Up: Iteration

One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems

Part 3: Iteration

Instructions for the Macintosh: Iterations

The software Chaos and Dynamics can be found in the apple-menu, under 'Math Apps'. Go to 'Devaney's Chaos Lab' and load 'Lab 1-Function Iteration'. When you load the Lab, the current function is automatically set to the Logistic map.

Function Iteration with lambda = 2.

Instructions to Iterate

Instructions for the Macintosh: Graphical Iteration

The software Chaos and Dynamics can be found in the apple-menu, under 'Math Apps'. Go to 'Devaney's Chaos Lab' and load 'Lab 2-Plot and Analyze'. For the Logistic map, pick a lambda value between 0 and 4, and iterate as follows:

Visualizing an orbit with graphical iteration for the Logistic map.

Instructions to Iterate

Up: Iteration
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Written by Hinke Osinga
Comments to: webmaster@geom.umn.edu
Created: Apr 3 1998 --- Last modified: Wed Apr 8 19:01:17 1998