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Using JGV

Installing JGV

To install JGV on your Web server, unpack the distribution file (either JGV.tar.Z, or JGV.zip). Inside the "JGV" directory that the unpacking process creates you will find several files, plus a subdirectory called "geom". The class files are inside subdirectories of the "geom" directory. Move the "geom" directory to some directory that is visible to your web server.

When you invoke JGV, make sure that the file "logo.gif" is in the same directory as the HTML file containing the applet tag.

Applet tag

To use JGV in a Web page you create an "applet tag" in an HTML file that looks something like the following:
      width=200 height=200>
    <param name="background" value="0x000000">
    <param name="file" value="data.oogl">
The "code=" line gives the name of the applet to invoke and should appear exactly as above. The "codebase=" line should give the pathname on your server of the directory into which you installed the "geom" directory in the installation process above; this pathname can be relative to the current directory (the one containing the HTML file you're writing), or it can be an absolute path from the root of your Web tree. The "width=" and "height=" line should give the dimensions, in pixels, that you want the JGV applet to take up in the Web page.

Following the initial "<applet ...>" tag there can be a number of parameters to be passed to JGV. Each parameter should be given in the form

    <param name="NAME" value="VALUE">
where NAME is the name of the parameter, and VALUE is the value that you want it to have. The parameters that JGV recognizes are:

Geometry formats

JGV recognizes a restricted subset of the OOGL file format used by Geomview. Specifically, JGV For complete details of the OOGL file format, see the OOGL documentation.

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Comments to: webmaster@www.geom.uiuc.edu
Created: Sep 16 1996 --- Last modified: Thu Jan 29 14:59:02 1998