The exercises contained in this activity require the KaleidoTile program developed by Jeff Weeks. If you do not yet have a copy of this software, you may wish to download KaleidoTile.

For more information regarding this activity and its objectives, see the accompanying Teacher's Guide.

Start up the KaleidoTile program on your computers and stop the polyhedron in the Tiling window from spinning. In the Symmetry Group window, choose the button labeled
(2, 3, 6). The resulting pattern tiles the plane. In the Basepoint window, move the base point to the center dot.

Without changing KaleidoTile's settings, complete the following exercises.

Definition: In KaleidoTile, the base triangle is the triangle with the darkest outline.

The triangles adjacent to the base triangle are the darkest triangles in this figure.

Notice that each vertex of the base triangle touches a number of similar triangles.

In the More Symmetry Groups window, choose the settings ¼ / 2, ¼ / 4, ¼ / 4 and hit Set. Make sure the dual edges remain on.

Repeat what you did above, but with this new symmetry group. Specifically,

Challenge topic

Measure the angles of the base triangle.

Return to the Symmetry Group (2, 3, 4), and measure the angles of the base triangle.

Predict which symmetry groups will result in a planar pattern.Check your answer by selecting these symmetry groups on KaleidoTile.

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