Up: Linear and Nonlinear Behavior

One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems

Part 4: Linear and Nonlinear Behavior

Instructions for Mathematica: Graphs of higher iterates

First make sure that you have a personal copy of the package Chaos.m.

To start up Mathematica in a Unix window, type 'math', or 'mathematica' if your prefer the notebook version. On a PC, use the start button and find Mathematica in the Program directory. The Package written for this course is called 'Chaos.m'. Inside Mathematica, load this Package by typing

<< Chaos.m

Instructions to graph higher iterates

Instructions for Mathematica: Orbit Diagram

First make sure that you have a personal copy of the package Chaos.m.

To start up Mathematica in a Unix window, type 'math', or 'mathematica' if your prefer the notebook version. On a PC, use the start button and find Mathematica in the Program directory. The Package written for this course is called 'Chaos.m'. Inside Mathematica, load this Package by typing

<< Chaos.m

An enlargement of the orbit diagram for the Logistic family.

How to Study the Orbit Diagram

Up: Linear and Nonlinear Behavior

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Written by Hinke Osinga
Comments to: webmaster@geom.umn.edu
Created: Apr 3 1998 --- Last modified: Mon May 11 16:35:21 1998