Up: Proposals Currently Funded

MnSCU and University of Minnesota Distance Learning Initiative

Teaching for Diversity, Conferencing and Communicating
with Parents, and Self-Reflection

We propose a Module for Teacher Development that addresses both the needs of first year teachers and their Mentors in the specific areas of Teaching for Diversity, Conferencing and Communicating with Parents, and Self-reflections Information about the need for this module combining these dynamically important elements of education

Module Design and Outcomes

The module design will combine readings of the interview text collected of master teachers from our recent study and our current study with video taped observations of these teachers' classrooms "in operation" which can be used in both distance education contexts and presentations designed for parent information. The module will be presented through an Independent Learning packet of print material with specific activities (sample follows), a collection of 10 video taped observations from the master teachers' classrooms, and a World Wide Web Homepage for our module users. This Homepage will include resources to support further investigation of the module content, a discussion board for module users to discuss their participation, archives of work samples of participants, and parent responses to new information they are Teaming about their children's activities in school. As a part of the structured activities teachers will read interviews that we have collected with practicing teachers, view videos of their classrooms, and then be encouraged create presentations to parents. The presentations for parents will serve a combined purpose of informing parents about promising practices, listening to parents' concerns and priorities for their children's Teaming, and showing the parents samples of the children's work which documents progress and growth through these promising practices which focus on diversity.

Up: Proposals Currently Funded

Comments to: cutler@geom.umn.edu
Created: Tuesday, 28-Apr-97 18:31:00 --- Last modified:
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