Right Triangles and Special Triangles
Now that you know about Acute and Obtuse Triangles, you can learn about:

Right Triangles

You are going to use a neat program to explore right triangles.  The instructions below will guide you and allow you to find out what a right triangle is!

Click Here to Jump Right Into Geometer's Sketchpad!!
    Construct a line, l1
    Construct a line, l2, perpendicular to the original line
              (remember when one line is perpendicular to another, they form a right angle.  A "right angle" is a 90 degree angle and looks like a perfect corner!)
    Place one point on line l1 and one point on l2
    Label these points, a and b, respectively
    Connect a and b with a segment
    The resulting figure is a right triangle!!
The figure is a right triangle because there exists a right angle between two of the sides of the triangle.
Move point a on l1
Move point b on l2
Even though you are moving the points and changing the lengths of the sides of the triangle, you are NOT changing the RIGHT angle between l1 and l2.
So, every triangle you form with this sketch is a right triangle!!
Remember, A right triangle is a triangle with ONE right angle!
It's as Simple as That---Right On!
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Special Triangles
I have a puzzle for you...
It is clear to see that by drawing a diagonal AC, that the square is divided into 2 right triangles.
      1. 1.  How does that affect angle measures ACB, ACD, CAB, CAD?
      2. 2.  Can you find the length AC?
      3.     (HINT!! Use the Pythagorean Theorem)
      4. 3.  Remembering that Sin of an angle is defined as opposite/hypotenuse, What is Sin 45?
You have just worked with a special triangle called a 45-45-90 triangle.  This means that the triangle is a right triangle with the other angles equalling 45 degrees each!

When you encounter this isosceles triangle, you can count on the fact that

hypotenuse of the triangle is always: (the square root of two divided by two) multiplied times the length of one of the legs of the triangle!
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