Tying the Knot

Consider the planar curve parametrized by

t -> ( cos(2t)(2+cos(3t)), sin(2t)(2+cos(3t)) )

This curve is the projection onto the (x,y)-plane of a knot. A knot is a closed curve in three space. We say that a knot is "knotted" if it cannot be untwisted into a copy of a circle. The circle is called the "un-knot." You can visualize parametrized knots using Maple's spacecurve command.

Question #7

Determine how to parametrize a "knotted knot" so that the projection of the knot onto the (x,y)-plane is the curve given above. How can you show that your parametrized curve is knotted?

The planar projection of a knot.

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Previous: Moving on to 3D

Robert E. Thurman<thurman@geom.umn.edu>
Jeremy Case
Document Created: Mon Feb 20
Last modified: Tue Feb 27 08:46:39 1996