Note that I did NOT create the DHT, for its official homepage, see my links page.

Doom Honorific Titles - New Bases

We are developing new level sets for D1M and D2M, and we are developing level sets to replace the D1GM and D2GM bases (partially, because they're full).

We need more volunteers for D1GM. In particular, you must have either completed the title or done all levels under that title's rules to work on the level set for that title.

Current contributors:

D1M: Andrew Pliml, John Keniry
D2M: Andrew Pliml, John Keniry, George Bell
D1GM: None
D2GM: George Bell, Mike Pratt, Peo Sjoblom

The D1M Sets
D1M: Finished!
Easiest 11 12
Easy 13 14 15 16 18 21 28 31 38
Medium 17 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 32 33 35 39 43 44
Hard 34 36 37 45 47 48 49
Hardest 41 42 46

The D2M Sets

D1GM: Nothing yet

The D2GM Sets
D2GM: Finished!
Easiest 01 32
Easy 02 03 04 05 06 07 30 31
Medium 11 14 15 18 19 21 22 25 27 28
Hard 08 09 10 12 13 16 17 20 23 24 26
Hardest 29
