6. Appendix

6.1. Menu items

File menu

Delete everything in the current model; create an empty, unnamed model.
Replace the current model with the model in a specified file.
Save the model in the current file.
Save As...
Save the model in a specified file.
Save Geometry...
Save the geometry of the model (in Geomview's OOGL format) to a specified file.
Replace the current model with the most recently saved version of the model.
Save the current camera view as a PostScript file.

Tcl Shell...
open a window for typing in Tcl commands. The window allows you to type commands to modify the model. Type a command at the prompt and the result of the command will be displayed in italics in the window.
Open Pipe...
create a named pipe for receiving Tcl commands. By default the pipe is put in /tmp/geomview. Commands may then be sent to Crafter by sending them to the named pipe.

Display version and copyright information.

Close Crafter without quitting Geomview.

Edit menu

Remove the currently selected group from the model, and keep it in a clipboard for pasting later.
Copy the currently selected group into the clipboard without removing it from the model.
Attach a copy of what's in the clipboard to the selected object.
Copy the currently selected group and paste it in the parent of the currently selected object, without changing the contents of the clipboard.
Remove the currently selected group from the model without changing the contents of the clipboard.
Paste from file...
Paste the contents of a Crafter file into the currently selected object. A window is popped up allowing you to specify the file name of a crafter file. The toplevel objects in the file are attached to the currently selected object. The model properties are ignored. This operation has no effect on the clipboard.

General Properties...
Open the General Properties Panel for the selected object.
Class-specific Properties...
Open the Class-specific Properties Panel for the selected object.

Open the Options panel (Equivalent to model properties)

Create menu

[see list of primitives]