
Font and character management.
  1. DVIFont

    Abstract base class. Static functions provide font caching and searching capabilities.

  2. DVICharacter

    Abstract base class. Handles scaling bit data down to greyscale when requested, so that a derived class only has to provide unscaled bit data.

  3. PKFont

    An implementation of the DVIFont abstract class. Loads and decodes a pk font file asynchronously, so that a request for a certain character may block. Creates PKCharacter objects to decode and represent individual characters from the font.

  4. PKCharacter

    An implementation the DVICharacter abstract class. Decodes one character from a pk font file.

    Initially, just the metrics are decoded; the compressed bits which make up the character image are stored until the character is needed. Once the bits are requested, they are decoded.

    Very inefficient implementation at the moment.

  5. PKNybbleStream

    Utility class defined in which makes it easier to read individual nybbles from a DVIInputStream.

  6. PKBitStream

    Utility class defined in which makes it easier to read individual bits from a DVIInputStream.

  7. PKFormatException

    Exception thrown when an error is found in a pk font file.

    This should probably be renamed FontFormatException.