Viewing Cyberview 3D Documents

Rotating and Selecting Objects

Cyberview has a several modes which determine what happens when you click on a 3D image.

Look At
If you click on an object in the scene, the scene will be rotated so that the point you clicked now faces directly toward you. The selected point will be indicated with a small red cursor.

If you click on the background, the part of the scene on which you clicked will be rotated toward you. The amount of rotation varies from 0° at the center of the image, to 90° at the edge.

The part of the scene on which you clicked on will be rotated away from you. The amount of rotation varies from 0° at the center of the image, to 90° at the edge. (It doesn't matter whether you click on an object or not.)
Pick URL
Objects in Cyberview scenes can serve as "hot links". If you click on a "hot object" in this mode, you will end up at a new Web document.
Get Data
The 3D data file used to generate the image you click on will be returned for display by your browser, or an external viewer. See the WebOOGL and VRML home pages for information on viewers for 3D formats.
Get Image
The image you click on will be returned as a bitmap, for display by your browser, or an external viewer. This is useful if you want to see multiple viewpoints on the screen at the same time.
This option lets you reproduce the same page with different settings (for example, displaying only edges).

Controlling Visibility of Edges and Faces

Sometimes it may be easier to see what's happening in a 3D scene if you only look at the edges and make the faces invisible. This is the purpose of the visibility control.

All parts of the objects are visible.
Only the edges are visible. Faces are completely transparent.
Only the faces are visible. Lines and edges are not highlighted.

Choosing a Shader

Some polygonal objects are supposed to have corners, while others are intended to be approximations to smooth shapes. Cyberview offers both styles of rendering.

Cyberview will shade the object as if it were smooth. Edges and corners will appear rounded.
Cyberview will shade the object as a flat-sided polygonal shape. Edges and corners will be highlighted by changes in brightness.

Saving a Document

Many Web browsers are not be able to store dynamic documents (like those created by Cyberview) in their hotlists. However, you can still use your browser's Save As HTML feature to save 3D documents, with viewpoints intact, for later reference.

Saved documents can then be reloaded, for example, by using your browser's Open Local Document feature. Because many browsers don't save the images along with the text, you may need to temporarily switch Cyberview into Refresh Mode and click on one of the missing 3D images.

Cyberview Manual